Band details

Band name: The Country Band
Years performing:Not listed
Members: No members currently listed

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Recent Tugging

10 years, 5 months ago: The gig Carson @ Easyrider Disco on Thursday, Sep 23 1971 was added.

10 years, 5 months ago: The gig Rondells @ Eureka Stockade on Wednesday, Jun 7 1972 was added.

9 years, 12 months ago: The gig Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs and others @ Q Club on Saturday, Sep 30 1972 was added.

11 years ago: The gig Levi Smith's Clefs @ Thumpin' Tum on Thursday, Aug 7 was edited.

11 years ago: The gig Buddy England and others @ Impulse on Sunday, Jul 13 was edited.

9 years, 11 months ago: The gig Christine Roberts and others @ Winston Charles on Sunday, Oct 15 1972 was added.